
Michigan’s Largest Personal Injury Law Firm

Michigan’s Largest Personal Injury Law Firm


PTSD, Flashbacks, Anxiety, Depression: When to Sue for Emotional Distress

The emotional distress resulting from an accident that’s not your fault is considered one of several legally defined elements of the pain and suffering many accident victims experience… pain and suffering for which they can be compensated by filing personal injury lawsuits against the people, companies, or organizations responsible for their injuries. Under Michigan law, pain and suffering awards...

Why Acting in Bad Faith Is Bad News for Insurance Providers

You’ve probably heard their reassuring slogans for years: catchy mottos like “You’re in good hands with Allstate,” or “Nationwide is on your side.” America’s insurance companies big and small do their best to put their policyholders’ minds at ease with these kinds of snappy catchphrases, not to mention such comforting logos as umbrellas and patriotic statues, or humorous gimmicks...

The Dangers of Misrepresented Drugs Threaten Everyone in Michigan

You’ve probably heard about the virtual epidemic of fake fentanyl sweeping the nation. Tens of thousands of victims across America and, of course, many thousands here in Michigan are dying every year from overdoses caused by these dangerous drug duplicates. But the threat of deadly misrepresented drugs isn’t limited only to fentanyl. Just this month, attorneys here at Mike Morse...

Mike Morse and Team Recognized as The Best Lawyers in America

We are truly elated to announce that Mike Morse Law Firm has been recognized in the 31ˢᵗ edition of The Best Lawyers in America® and fifth edition of Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch® in America!  Inclusion in these esteemed publications is determined through a comprehensive peer-review survey of over 27 million evaluations, including a record breaking 4.2 million...

Sport Injury Liability: Legal Resources and Compensation for Athletes

It’s back-to-school time, and along with the return to classes comes the usual spate of sports and athletic injuries from high school, college, and professional sporting events. In one recent, viral example, Oscar-winning actor Gwyneth Paltrow probably had no idea that her seemingly minor 2016 collision with a retired optometrist at a Utah ski resort would result in a...

A Crash Course on Your Rights Following an Aviation Accident

As you probably know, major aerospace company Boeing has had more than its share of reliability problems in recent months, ranging from one of its jets apparently falling to pieces in flight near Denver as nearly 150 passengers watched in horror, to another of its aircraft experiencing the blowout of a faulty side panel while...

The Shocking Truth About Michigan Workplace Electrocutions

You probably recall the high-profile electrocution of an American tourist in a hot tub at a Mexican beach resort that made national headlines last month. But it may come as a shock to learn that fatal electrocutions are also quite common right here in Michigan. Consider just a few such incidents where unsuspecting individuals suffered severe injuries or even tragically...

Caught in a Hit-and-Run? Follow These Essential Steps After the Incident

You probably already know that if you get in an automobile accident Michigan law requires you and any other drivers involved in the incident to remain at the crash scene, and to exchange essential information such as your names, insurance providers and policy numbers, home addresses, driver’s license numbers, and car registration information. You’re also required to call...

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Our clients Say it the best

Melvin Johnson

“This firm’s professionalism far exceeds the normal verbal and written communications expected from a law office. They could not have done a better job with the matters concerning my case and I would highly recommend them.”

Hattie Spencer

“When the attorneys at the Mike Morse Law Firm represented me, we were not just a number, we were family. They really cared about what I was going through. I could not have asked for better people to work on my case.”

Terrence Williams

“I think very highly of Mr. Morse’s office and would recommend them to anyone. It starts with the great feeling you get when you come to the office for the very first time and it has continued with the excellent customer service they always provided. I don’t even need to ask questions because the attorneys and paralegals are so on top of their jobs. They have always been there for me. I have a warm and friendly feeling anytime I stop in. It feels like home.”

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